PSW Career Fair Organized at Mississauga Campus

October 16, 2014

 The Career services Centre of CIMT College organized an on- campus Career Fair for  Personal Support Workers at Mississauga campus.  Twenty one graduates/students were  assesses through the process of screening and interview, for their knowledge training and  essential skills. The HR team of Compassionate Care Services gave a company orientation  which was followed by the one on one interview.  The applications are being assessed and  the students will soon be notified of the outcome of their interviews.

 Canadian Institute of Management and Technology is a Private Career College and has  been organizing the Career Fairs for all the students   undertaking the diploma programs at  the college. The College provides occupation based training where in the students learns  the relevant industry skills that the employers are looking for. Events and career fairs like  these have been very helpful in student placement in the respective fields of study. You can  get more info about registering with CIMT or the career fairs by calling the admin office at  905-671-9999.

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