Post Graduate Programs
Tuesday August 27, 2013
Numerous students took benefit of the free resume building and the cover letter workshop that was conducted at Mississauga campus of CIMT College. Dawn Johnson, the resource specialist from Georgetown facilitated the workshop. She brought in relevant resources and presented on the topic with great versatility. And knowledge from the current job market that helped to offer students an insight to the going trends in the job market. The participants of the workshop were from different disciplines – network administration, telecommunications technology, accounts administration, medical office administration etc. Mandeep Kaur, one of the participants commented, “There are so many online resources available, but attending a workshop like this gives me a clearer idea about the tools and resources and the websites to refer to, to build my resume and cover letter”. Dawn talked about the techniques and the thought-process that one should follow to develop an industry specific and a completive resume. She says. “Resume is the gateway into getting a job”, which is very true, as the employers is looking for the right candidate and the company’s search starts by screening the resumes. Hence it’s very important to capture the most of what one is into an effective resume, the synopsis of which should be rightly put into the cover letter for greater chances of getting an interview call!!