Students must ensure that they are taking all the courses required for graduation in their program. Assistance shall be available from the office of the Registrar, for those who leave their program before graduating and returns at a later date may be required to take additional courses.
CIMT College reserves the right to re-assess previously granted credits more than five years old to ensure their relevance at the time of graduation. For students in CIMT Diploma program an overall GPA of 3 is required. On completion of the program the student shall contact the Office of the Registrar to request their credentials. This can be done via e-mail or by filling in a prescribed form, giving the name, student number, program and the credentials that the student is seeking. On completion of the review of the records, the student shall be notified of the result. The student who completesthe required credits successfully shall be awarded the Diploma.
Academic Misconduct
Academic misconduct is the behavior that erodes the basis of mutual trust on which scholarly exchanges commonly rest, undermines CIMT’s ability to evaluate a student’s academic achievements, or restricts the College’s ability to accomplish its learning objectives. CIMT College takes a serious view of academic misconduct and will severely penalize students, who are found guilty of offences associated with academic dishonesty, misrepresentation of personal performance, restrictions of equal opportunities for access to scholarly resources, or damage to the integrity of scholarly exchanges.
It is the responsibility of CIMT faculty, students, and staff to be aware of what constitutes academic misconduct and to do as much as possible to prevent such offences from occurring. Furthermore, all members of CIMT College community including students, faculty, and staff have the specific responsibility of initiating appropriate action in all instances where academic misconduct is believed to have taken place. This responsibility include giving due consideration to the deterrent effect of reporting such offences when they do occur, making one's disapproval of such behavior obvious, and helping to ensure that the CIMT community does nothing to encourage or facilitate academic misconduct.